Artist Q&A - Gary Walton

Artist Q&A - Gary Walton

Who or what has most influenced your artistic journey?

The person who most influenced me on my artistic journey is my wife Paula.  She was a full time nurse, and was offered a promotion. She asked me if I wanted to pursue my art career, and become the 'house husband'. This is where I found time to develop a few more self taught skills and a style.

Why are you drawn to your particular subject matter?

My chosen subject of nautical themes is such an inspiration for the mind.  Whilst painting coastal seascapes I'm able to escape into my own world. "The world of Gary Walton". There, nothing seems to be real. It's a lovely place visit - all wonky cottages and odd shaped boats. It's such a magical place. I go there most days.

Has your preferred medium changed over the years?

My medium has changed over the years.  I was a watercolourist for a long time, and someone who I was working for about 10 years ago advised me to change direction with my medium. It made me cringe with fear as I'd never used acrylics before. However, over the years, whilst changing to using this new medium, I have found 'my happy' and have produced some of my best artworks.

What's the best piece of advice you have been given?

The best advice I've been given as an artist is pretty simple really: 'keep your work neat' and 'less is more'.

What is the biggest challenge of being an artist?

There are a few challenges being an artist, right from the beginning. You need to create a certain style of painting which will be your 'forever signature'. This is where people recognise your style through what you paint.  There will always be stiff competition so you have to keep up with either reinventing your style, but keeping within the same theme...and never lose your momentum. Always keep painting no matter what.


Check out Gary's collection of limited edition prints on our online gallery.

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