Artist Q&A with Aaminah Snowdon

Artist Q&A with Aaminah Snowdon

Q1 What inspires you to create?

Visiting art museums is a favourite past time of mine and also inspired me to become an artist. I appreciate the vast array of painting styles, composition and subject matter and I favour the eccentric and unusual. Banksy inspired me to actually switch from leisure painting to professional artist. I am a huge fan, I love the way he interprets the world and expresses it through his thought provoking and witty work.  I also admire the works of street artist DALeast, whose work shows such movement and energy and Hua Tunan who specialises in intensive splatter ink animal art.

Q2 What draws you to creating in your chosen medium?

I began by experimenting with 3 main mediums - oil, watercolour and acrylic. Of the three, I was drawn to acrylic because I found it produced more bold and vibrant colours than watercolours. Also, unlike oils, I found acrylic paint drying almost instantly and this allows me to build up layers without having to wait.

Q3 Does the area in which you live, influence your work?

I am Yorkshire born and bred. I've been brought up around British wildlife and animals so it's reflected in my work in that it focuses exclusively on all things British, and a lot of my designs so far are of animals that I have seen Yorkshire - cows, foxes, pigs, squirrels. I love any opportunity to get up close to animals, I'd constantly visit farms, wildlife centres, zoos and through my close proximity to them I began to see the individual personalities and traits of each animal. I try and incorporate this into my paintings. I'm waiting for Mad March hare season next year as I would like to join a photography workshop and go take my own photos of the hares boxing in fields.

Q4 If you could invite three artists (living or deceased) to dinner who would they be?

I would be very happy meeting banksy (and I wouldn't mind if he was wearing a disguise to protect his identity!), Salvador Dali and lastly Vincent Van Gogh (to show him how much his work is admired and loved around the world).

Q5 Do you listen to any favourite music, radio or podcasts while working in the studio?

I always put Netflix or youtube on to listen to in the background. I describe my work as “quirky, fun and witty” so if i do put music on it is always happy, uplifting music which gets me in the right mood to paint entertaining and lively designs.

Check out Aaminah's collection of limited edition prints and original paintings on our online gallery.

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